Inevitably, our lives are molded by countless experiences that shape our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. Ever since early childhood, I have been deemed adventurous, creative and determined. My interpersonal communication skills noticeably developed at an early age. I am constantly reminded of a 5-year-old girl causing a scene by calling upon a waitress. Within seconds, a similarity was found and a connection was established. My passion and love for studying and researching human communication seems to only heighten as I age.

The deepest roots of who I am stems from my family. My parents have vigilantly shaped me into an honest, independent, and confident woman. My father built a thriving business from the ground up. What began as a middle-of-the-night realization rapidly grew into an award winning and credible cinematography company. Due to my natural interest in video, I began working for my fathers company in high school. This opportunity drives me to both seek unique work experiences and pursue my professional goals. During my initial years at Shofilms, it was a start-up company; resulting in an fast-pace, upbeat and lively learning environment. I learned general marketing practices, how to brand a company in a competitive work environment, and most importantly, I learned about myself and my personal approach to media relations.

I studied Public Relations alongside New Media and Digital Culture throughout my Undergraduate experience. This allowed me to further develop my written, verbal, and nonverbal communication skills as well as enhancing my capability to truly understand the practice of professional modern marketing. I have undoubtedly grown personally and professionally due to the students, faculty, and staff at my alma mater, Coastal Carolina University.

As a more recent college graduate, I understand that this field comes with its own set of challenges, trials, and a multitude of learning experiences that await me. I am ready to show up every day, give everything I have, and do it again the next. I suppose, for some, the future may be scary… but for me, boy is it exciting.

Taking chances is scary, but there is something that should scare you far more than anything: missing out on something wonderful because you were scared.”

– Katherine Matheson